What is the function of each facility within the Camp?
1. Water Tank
The Water Tank stores potable Water. The max storage amount increases for each level up of the facility.
2. Food Storage
The Food Storage stores Food for the Survivors. The max storage amount increases for each level up of the facility.
3. Water Well
The Water Well produces a certain amount of Water for every survival day. The yield amount increases for each level up of the facility.
4. Farm
The Farm produces a certain amount of Food for every survival day. The yield amount increases for each level up of the facility.
5. Barrier
The Barrier protects the Camp from zombies getting in. When its strength reaches 0%, the camp is destroyed. Consistent upgrades will prevent Barrier's strength from reaching 0%.
6. Barbed Wire
In addition to the Barrier, Barbed Wire shields the Camp from the zombies. Resources for leveling up can be found through exploration in the Prison, Shanty Town and Military Base.